sakâhk papakîtitâmôwin Introduction Welcome to sakâhk papakîtitâmôwin (“forest breathes”), an Improved Forest Management (IFM) project of global significance that belongs to Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation (PBCN). This multi-partner project honours Traditional Knowledge, improves PBCN forests, and brings forward both social and economic opportunities for PBCN community membersthat will have a positive impact for generations to come. Together with Climate Smart as the Project Developer, PBCN is building resilience in the boreal forests and in community. The project preserves, protects, and manages a priceless resource that combats the impacts of climate change around the world to ensure we can all breathe easier about our future. Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation is made up of eight communities spanning Northeast Saskatchewan, four of which are currently partners in sakâhk papakîtitâmôwin: Denare Beach (Amisk Lake), Pelican Narrows, Sandy Bay, and Sturgeon Landing. PBCN’s Traditional Territory encompasses over 50,000 square kilometers, 888,888 hectares of which is occupied by boreal forest land bound by community-held Fur Block Licenses. These Fur Blocks represent the project areas in which IFM techniques like strategic harvesting, wildfire management, and conservation area establishment—conducted by PBCN’s own community members—are used to: As a result of these activities, high-quality carbon credits are generated. The credits can then be sold on the voluntary market to entities wishing to offset their own greenhouse gas emissions by way of investing in a project that not only restores and sustains ecosystems, but also supports the social and economic wellness of the land’s stewards. This image, captured by satellite technology, represents the total project area (888,666 Ha), with a minimum capacity to remove, reduce, or store 268,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. sakâhk papakîtitâmôwin is 100% owned and operated by PBCN. The project aims to affirm the sovereignty of the First Nation, increase the economy of PBCN’s communities through job creation and infrastructure investment, and revitalize the natural habitats that have been disrupted due to climate change, industrialization, and limited resources. To learn more about sakâhk papakîtitâmôwin, email
The Forest Breathes
An Improved Forest Management Project Owned and Led by Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation
Improved Forest Management (IFM) is the official term used to describe activities resulting in carbon sequestration within forests and/or reduced greenhouse gas emissions when compared to business-as-usual forestry practices. The proper use of IFM techniques, as sakâhk papakîtitâmôwin demonstrates, can result in the generation of tradeable carbon offset credits.
Project Details
1. Reduce carbon emissions
2. Increase short-term carbon sequestration; and
3. Ensure long-term carbon sequestration and forest health, seven generations into the future.
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